Trinity Real Estate Investments & Management LLC
Quality Properties for Rent and Investments
As Your Property Manager I Pledge to…
Write ads in a creative, fair and truthful manner
Submit ads in a timely matter to minimize non-occupancy time
Bill for ads on monthly statement
Use a standard application form
Do a credit check from South Bend Credit Bureau
Confirm employment status and longevity
Do a search through the county courts to check for prior evictions.
Make sure landlord listed on application is actually property owner at
current address
Do a home visit to current residence if necessary
Obtain veternarian certification for any pets allowed on premises
Bill for all these services on detailed monthly statement
Use a standard lease.
Make sure that tenants know that the lease may override tenant’s rights.
Accommodate lease for special circumstances (such as pets or additional
security deposits) as necessary with permission of property owner
Sign lease as property manager and include my Indiana State Broker
Use notary services whenever necessary
Issue lead paint disclosure
Do intake walkthrough with tenant and sign intake disclosure
Rental Period
Respond to service calls within eight hour period
Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly
Collect rents
Enforce bad check and late fees
Issue letters of reprimand
Handle any Code Enforcement issues
Periodic utility checks
End of Rental Agreement
Do outtake walkthrough with tenant and sign outtake disclosure.
Return security deposit within 45 days minus damage charges
Will invoice damage charges to owner & tenant
Will play any & all part of property manager in eviction proceedings
(May be additional fee for court visits or filings)